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What are the common causes of dripping tap? How do you fix a dripping tap? How to change the washer on a kitchen tap?

Reverse osmosis filter tap closeup with dripping water-drop. studio shot.

Your tap is an absolute essential in your home, the way that you get life-giving water from your pipes into your cup, your kettle, or your bath. And yet this miraculous invention can feel more like a curse when you start to hear that drip…drip…drip…

If you have ever found yourself kept awake at night, had a key thought interrupted (drip). Or go searching for the source of that irritating noise only to discover that a dripping tap is a culprit, you know the frustration of that moment. 

But just what is it that causes our taps to drip, and how can you go about fixing one when it starts? Read on to discover all you wish you had known about dripping taps, to ensure you are never kept awake by one again…

What are the common causes of a dripping tap?

Taps are there to control the flow of water into your home. They work to stop water coming out, to control how fast it comes out when you want it to. And they are supposed to stop that water again when you have what you need. If your tap is dripping, it is not working as it should. There can be many reasons for this, including:

Out of all of these reasons, by far the most common cause of a drippy tap is a faulty tap washer. Whatever the reason for your dripping tap, don’t lose any more sleep over it. Call the best local plumbing services to come and fix your tap without delay, and without any more hassle for you.

How do you fix a dripping tap?

As you can see, there are several possible causes for your dripping tap, and therefore several possible solutions to the problem. The best way to ensure that your tap is fixed without a lot of fuss and bother is to call a plumber and let them take care of it for you. If you think you know the cause, however, and want to give it a go, there are lots of things you can try to fix your dripping tap.

How to change the washer on a kitchen tap?

As the most common cause of a dripping tap, here we will take you step by step through the process of replacing the washer on your tap. Remember that in plumbing, you should never do anything if you aren’t feeling fully capable and confident, as a misstep can leave you swimming through your kitchen to the phone to call for help. 

Hiring a plumber in the first place can be the cheaper and better solution, but if you wish to try and change your washer, you need to follow these steps…

1 – Turn off your water

You should never take any action when it comes to your plumbing without turning off your water. It is essential that you know how to do this in the event of an emergency, so if you don’t know, take the time to learn how. Generally, it involves turning a stopcock, or separation valve, which is commonly found under your sink.

2 – Remove the tap head

The visible, often decorative part of your tap can be fairly easy to remove. You can often unscrew it by hand, though you may have to use a screwdriver or Allen key depending on the tap that you have.

3 – Take your tap apart

Now it is time to take your tap apart. Make sure that you pay careful attention as you do, and don’t forget any of the key parts, as this will make it easier to put back together again. First, loosen the screw holding the tap together, then gently remove the tap cover, the nut, and finally, the washer, leaving only the tap seat.

4 – Replace the washer and reassemble the tap

Once you have removed the old, worn washer, it is time to put the new one in. Use the nut to keep it in place, and then reassemble the tap.

5 – Turn the water back on and test the tap

Now it is time to put your handy work to the test. Turn the water back on, and open and close the tap, making sure that it is working correctly, and that there is no sign of the tell-tale drip.

Final thoughts

A dripping tap can be a source of endless irritation, and so can the process of trying to discover which of the many possible causes is the underlying problem with your tap. While fixing a washer can be fairly straightforward, the issue may be more complicated than you can comfortably deal with. And the solution is more time-consuming and pricey than you would wish.

Sometimes, hiring a qualified local plumbing service is the best and quickest way to fix whatever is wrong with your tap, putting your problems to bed, and keeping you sound asleep in yours.

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