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10 Way to Get Rid of the Paint Smell

4 Mins read

Repainting your house can breathe new life into your space, but the lingering smell of paint can be a downside to the process. Whether you’ve opted for a fresh coat of latex paint or tackled a more substantial project with oil-based paints, the odour can be bothersome.

However, there are several effective methods to help speed up the process of getting rid of that paint smell. In this article, we’ll explore the drying times of different types of paint, how long it takes for the smell to dissipate, and practical tips to eliminate it more quickly.

When repainting my house, how long does the paint take to dry?

The drying time for paint depends on various factors such as the type of paint used, the weather conditions, and the surface being painted. Here are some general guidelines:

  1. Latex or water-based paint: Typically, latex paints dry to the touch within 1-2 hours. However, it’s best to wait at least 4 hours before applying a second coat. Full curing usually takes about 2 weeks.
  2. Oil-based paint: Oil-based paints take longer to dry, usually around 6-8 hours to the touch, and up to 24 hours for a second coat. Full curing may take up to 7 days.
  3. Weather conditions: Humidity and temperature play a significant role in drying times. Higher humidity and cooler temperatures can extend drying times, while low humidity and warmer temperatures can speed up the process.
  4. Surface: The type and condition of the surface being painted can affect drying times. Rough or porous surfaces may absorb more paint and take longer to dry.

To ensure the best results, follow the manufacturer’s instructions on the paint can regarding drying times and any additional coats. Additionally, avoid heavy traffic or contact with the painted surface until it’s fully cured to prevent smudging or damage.

How long does it take for the paint smell to go away?

The duration of paint smell can vary depending on several factors:

  1. Type of paint: Oil-based paints typically have a stronger odour that can linger for several days to a few weeks, while water-based paints tend to have a milder smell that dissipates more quickly.
  2. Ventilation: Adequate ventilation can help to speed up the process of paint odour dissipation. Opening windows and using fans can help to circulate fresh air and reduce the smell more quickly.
  3. Humidity and temperature: Higher humidity and cooler temperatures can prolong the time it takes for paint smell to dissipate, while lower humidity and warmer temperatures can help it dissipate more quickly.
  4. Number of coats: If multiple coats of paint have been applied, the smell may take longer to dissipate.

In general, you can expect the paint smell to diminish significantly within a few days to a week for water-based paints and up to several weeks for oil-based paints. Using air purifiers or odour absorbers can also help to expedite the process.

Hispanic man varnishing wooden beam at home

How can I get rid of the paint smell?

To get rid of the paint smell more quickly, try these methods:

  1. Ventilation: Open windows and use fans to increase airflow. This helps the smell dissipate faster and is the most effective way to get rid of paint odours.
  2. Activated Charcoal: Place bowls of activated charcoal around the painted area. Activated charcoal absorbs odours effectively, helping to neutralize paint smells.
  3. Baking Soda: Sprinkle baking soda on carpets or upholstery that may have absorbed paint odours. Let it sit for a few hours or overnight, then vacuum it up. Baking soda is excellent for absorbing and eliminating odours.
  4. Vinegar: Place bowls of vinegar around the painted area or mix vinegar with water to wipe down surfaces. Vinegar helps neutralize odours and is an affordable and natural solution.
  5. Coffee Grounds: Similar to activated charcoal, coffee grounds can absorb odours. Place bowls of coffee grounds around the painted area to help eliminate paint smells.
  6. Onion: Cut an onion in half and place it in the room overnight. Onions can absorb paint odours effectively, making them a simple and natural odour remover.
  7. Air Purifiers: Use an air purifier with a HEPA filter to help remove paint odours from the air. Air purifiers can be particularly useful for larger spaces or areas with persistent odours.
  8. Fresh Air: If possible, take any items with lingering paint smell outdoors to air out. Letting them sit outside for a while can help remove the odour more quickly.
  9. Essential Oils: Mix a few drops of essential oils like lemon, lavender, or peppermint with water in a spray bottle and mist the room. Essential oils can help mask paint odours with pleasant scents.
  10. Professional Odour Removers: If the smell persists, consider using commercial odour removers specifically designed to eliminate paint odours. These products can be found at most hardware or home improvement stores.

Remember that patience is key, and the paint smell should gradually dissipate over time with proper ventilation and these odour removal techniques.

Wife resting while the husband painting the wall with roller brush. Home during renovation, decoration and painting. Interior apartment improvement maintenance. Roller, ladder for house repair.

Tips to minimize paint fumes

To reduce heavy paint fumes, consider opting for paints with low or zero VOCs. Look for oil-based paints or primers labelled as low odour if you need to use them. Additionally, alternative options such as plant-based, milk-based, mineral, or clay paints can be healthier choices.

Check the weather forecast before starting your painting project. Avoid painting on days with high humidity, as it can slow down the drying process and intensify paint odours. The strongest smell occurs while painting and waiting for the paint to dry. Longer drying times increase the likelihood of soft materials like carpets, drapes, or upholstery absorbing odours.

Ensure each coat of paint dries completely before applying the next one. Damp walls can trap fumes, leading to lingering odours.

While painting, keep paint can lids closed and cover paint trays and brushes with plastic wrap when not in use.

When painting a room, keep doors and windows open to allow fumes to dissipate outdoors. However, keep doors to other rooms closed to prevent fumes from spreading. This applies when stripping paint for a project as well.


Repainting your home can be a cool thing to do that makes it look nicer and worth more. But let’s face it, paint smells can be annoying. To make it less of a hassle, it’s important to know how long different types of paint take to dry and use some tricks to get rid of the smell.

You should let the air circulate by opening windows or using fans, and try using natural stuff like baking soda or activated charcoal to absorb the smell. You could also use air purifiers or essential oils to speed up the process. Just be patient and follow these tips and you’ll be able to enjoy your newly painted home in no time.

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